Friday, May 1, 2020

Stuck at sea

There are numbers of boats carrying Rohingya Muslims that are denied entry to Malaysia and at the mercy of many outside influence including human trafficking. Each boat is carrying hundreds of Rohingya Muslims and they have been staying on the water for more than 10 weeks. Malaysia is not accepting Rohingya due to the COVID-19 lockdowns that they have implemented and because for a long time they have always had xenophobic perspectives towards the Rohingya Muslims. The surviving Rohingya Muslims are being quarantined in Bangladesh. The human traffickers that smuggle these people usually try to get the lowest or the weakest ones especially because they have no home.


Seoul Fires

Seoul is experiencing fires because of the very lenient safety rules that it has towards fire protections especially for fire protections for buildings. A warehouse explosion killed 38 workers while releasing a billowing of black toxic smoke in the air. Man made explosions have always plagued South Korea and the President made it a promise to stop them or to prevent it, this could have also decreased morale in the President's government especially the focus was to help prevent and decrease the cases of COVID-19 in South Korea. The explosions were mainly at chemical plants, most places had vapors that had damaged the corpses to the point where investigators needed to do DNA analysis in order to identify the deceased. Through the 1990s past the early 2000s South Koreans have died from explosions in all kinds of corporations.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

China and US tensions rise over "donation diplomacy"

The United States and China have entered into a feud on the deals they have made each other to ship and receive medical equipment, especially the United States receiving necessary medical equipment from China. The shipments of medical equipment have been unexpectedly delayed because the Chinese government has implemented new regulations to respond to complaints of low quality equipment being sold to different countries that are receiving medical equipment to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The United States is also reconsidering buying medical equipment from China because it does not want it to give it a political propaganda leverage. Currently the two superpowers are trying to put a front to the world of being in control during the spread of COVID-19 while the United States has become suspicious of China's new "donation diplomacy".


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Religious Freedom in India

President Trump is in India visiting the country's Prime Minister Modi and essentially highlight the friendship that the two countries have between each other. President Trump has championed the Prime Minister for his supposed tolerance on different types of religions and being more inclusive according to the Prime Minister's standards of inclusivity. During President Trump's stay with Prime Minister Modi, there were massive protests that have been going on the streets of New Delhi and President Trump has championed Prime Minister Modi for having a Hindu-first approach to policy. The President also visited India at a time where the Indian government removed statehood for Kashmir and also implemented a very decisive new citizenship law which prefers naturalizing non-muslim citizens even though the region is muslim majority.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The conspiracy theories behind the coronavirus

It might sound like far fetched conspiracy theories, but even that sense of curiosity has not escaped from the ears of politicians in Washington. The curiosity of where the coronavirus originated from is the main topic in Washington especially with the accusations coming from Senator Tom Scott of Arkansas exclaiming that the coronavirus was a biochemical test gone wrong. These ideas of where the virus could have originated from might seem far fetched but they also do in theory might seem a possibility. For example Prime Minister Xi Jinping knew about the diseases months before there was a mass spread of it in China in which he did not alert the public to take extra precautions and try to prevent the disease from spreading. Other international news agencies have stated that the coronavirus was meant to be a biochemical weapon that was still in development, which they are assuming since the Chinese government is a stronghold of information that they try to withhold from the public.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

North Korea also takes precautions against the Coronavirus

North Korea is taking extra precautions to deter the spread of the coronavirus into the hermit kingdom. North Korea has already halted trade and tourism that comes mainly from China since the disease started spreading in China, bringing it to absolute isolation for the sake of self preservation of the state. Many people say that an epidemic like this would be detrimental to North Korea's healthcare system since they lack funds to take care of its population. In Seoul, the ruling political class are thinking of sending supplies to Pyongyang so they can also make sure to stop the potential spread of the coronavirus. Yet North Korea, has stated that have medicine and masks to give to their population and be absolutely safe from the spread of this current epidemic.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

India planning to revitalize its economy

Prime Minister Modi's administration is planning to revitalize India's economy by implementing tax cuts and increase spending and investment to the country. India's economy has stagnated in growth and some might fear that it can soon tumble down which prompted Modi to do these tax cuts and tax incentives to corporations. Some executives have criticize the proposals saying that these tax cuts can actually even worsen the economy. Prime Minister Modi is well known for his policies that are known to be, in a way, nationalistic which has been criticized of putting Hindu Indians first. Many other things that would be part of Modi's plan to re-energize the economy is to promote consumption, investment in the infrastructure, more rural development, investment in education and healthcare. Many economists are optimistic about these economic policies and the benefits that will cause the economy.


Stuck at sea

There are numbers of boats carrying Rohingya Muslims that are denied entry to Malaysia and at the mercy of many outside influence including ...